Shortcuts Repairer


The Windows operating system provides an excellent feature called shortcuts. Shortcuts are separate "links" to files and documents stored in other places on your system. Your Windows Start Menu is comprised of shortcuts pointing to various files elsewhere on your hard drives. Double clicking (or otherwise invoking) a shortcut automatically opens its corresponding application or document.

Sometimes, the "targets" of these shortcuts are moved or deleted, leaving the shortcut pointing to a file or location that no longer exists. These orphaned shortcuts can be confusing when they don't operate properly and can clutter your system as unnecessary or defunct debris. Super Utilities provides you with a convenient way to deal with these orphaned files by scanning your system for them, and then optionally looking for the files to which they are supposed to link. If the previously linked file still exists on your system, you can automatically update the shortcut with the new information, or, you can choose to permanently remove broken shortcuts that are no longer necessary.

How to Use

  1. Where to look for invalid shortcuts:
  2. Scanning for invalid shortcuts:

    To begin scanning for invalid shortcuts click the "Scan" button. Shortcuts that are found to be invalid will be displayed in the lower area of the screen which provides the following information:

  3. Fix shortcut:

    If you come across such a link that you know the file it points to, you can fix this. Select the link, click "Fix As" button or right click and click on the "Fix As" option. Then browse and show the path to that file and Super Utilities will fix the broken link for you.

  4. Remove shortcuts:

    Select the Remove button to remove displayed shortcuts and files in accordance to your specified removal options: